“I have lost 2.4kg so far"
At MyHealthChecked, we’re committed to helping individuals unlock the power of their genetics for better health. Livia’s story showcases how our Weight Management and Heart Profile DNA tests provided her with eye-opening insights into her predispositions, empowering her to make targeted lifestyle changes. The results? Improved health, focus, and weight loss success.
"I've always tried to adopt a healthy lifestyle, focusing on eating naturally, staying away from processed food, and avoiding bad habits. I was also exercising three times a week, and prioritising my health as much as possible.
Despite all of this, I felt it wasn’t helping me to lose weight. I was suffering with inflammation, fatigue and brain fog. Even though I was focusing on my health, it never seemed to be enough. So, I wanted to know if I was genetically predisposed to struggle with losing weight, or to any other disease, and what else I could do - this led me to trying MyHealthChecked's Weight Management DNA Test and Heart Profile DNA Test.
The results were eye opening. I'd previously noticed that alcohol didn't react very well with me, and had experienced inflammatory reactions from various foods and drinks. However, I've now discovered that I have a high genetic predisposition to high levels of triglycerides and other sensitivities, which means I need to be extra careful with my alcohol consumption and food that causes inflammation.
Since getting these results, I've started to manage the types of alcohol I consume, and the occasions on which I choose to drink. I haven't stopped drinking altogether, but now I'm very selective over when I drink, so that I drink significantly less alcohol overall. I'm also choosing lower calorie options. This has helped reduce the inflammation I was experiencing, and I feel less fatigued.
As well as this, I've learnt that my body requires more exercise to lose weight, and that I need an effective diet to go alongside. I've therefore combined my new alcohol consumption choices with a new diet involving more fish and vegetables, and I am exercising four times a week now, incorporating more intense cardio and weight training.
By persisting with these lifestyle changes, I've already seen results! I have lost 2.4kg so far, and feel more mentally resilient and focused, with less brain fog and fatigue. It's clear that getting an understanding of your genetics is key to significant results, and your approach to lifestyle changes, such as reduced alcohol consumption, becomes more accurate and targeted."
Discover more about our Weight Management DNA Test and Heart Profile DNA Test.