Sexual Health Optimal Testing Windows
When testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), some infections do not show up immediately after sex. The testing window, or the period of time after exposure you will get an accurate result, can vary by infection type. For the most test results, we recommend that you follow the accurate testing windows listed below.
Chlamydia - 2 weeks after exposure
Gonorrhoea - 2 weeks after exposure
Syphilis* - 4 weeks after exposure
HIV* - 45 days after exposure. This applies to fourth-generation testing, which is the testing method used at our lab.
If you've had high-risk exposure to either syphilis or HIV, we recommend seeking help as soon as possible by attending a local sexual health clinic or speaking to your GP. If you have been in contact with HIV you may need post-exposure prophylaxis after sexual intercourse. Both tests should be repeated 12 weeks after your exposure.
*If you are unsure about whether you are within a testing window, you should do a test now and another test in 12 weeks
Collecting your blood and urine sample
Our video demonstrates the process of collecting your sample. It not only provides essential tips on how to prepare for the task but also demonstrates the proper way to collect a blood sample using a lancet, gather a urine sample, and manage the samples once you have obtained them.
To ensure that you are fully prepared and have allotted sufficient time for sample collection, we strongly advise that you watch the entire video before beginning. As you follow the step-by-step instructions, you may utilise the SPACEBAR to pause the video when necessary.