Candidate privacy notice

In accordance with the retained UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) within the Data Protection Act 2018, we have implemented this candidate privacy notice to inform you of the types of data we process about you. We also include within this notice the reasons for processing your data, the lawful basis that permits us to process it, how long we keep your data for and your rights regarding your data.

This notice applies to everyone applying for a job with us, whether you are applying for a permanent or temporary role.

All references in this Privacy Notice to “we” and “us” is a reference to Concepta Diagnostics Limited or a group company.

Please be aware that this notice does not form part of any offer of employment.


Under UK GDPR, all personal data obtained and held by us must be processed according to a set of core principles. In accordance with these principles, we will ensure that:

  • processing is fair, lawful and transparent
  • data is collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes
  • data collected is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes of processing
  • data is kept accurate and up to date. Data which is found to be inaccurate will be rectified or erased without delay
  • data is not kept for longer than is necessary for its given purpose
  • data is processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of personal data including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage by using appropriate technical or organisation measures
  • we comply with the relevant GDPR procedures for international transferring of personal data


We keep several categories of personal data about you in order to carry out effective and efficient recruitment processes. We keep this data within our computer systems, for example, our accounts, IT and HR systems.

We collect a range of information which may include, but is not limited to the following:

  • name, address and contact details, including email address and telephone number
  • details of your qualifications, skills, experience and employment history
  • information about your current level of remuneration, including benefit entitlements
  • information in relation to your nationality and entitlement to work in the UK, references and other information included in a CV or cover letter as part of the application process
  • details of whether or not you have a disability for which we need to make reasonable adjustments during the recruitment process
  • information about any unspent criminal records.


This information can be collected in a variety of ways including information contained in CVs, obtained from your passport or other identity documents, or provided through interviews or other types of assessment such as online tests and psychometrics.We may also view publicly available information and you may provide this information directly to us.

In some cases, we may need to access to your personal data from third parties, such as references supplied by former employers, information from employment background check providers, information from credit reference agencies and information from criminal records checks permitted by law.


We will only process your personal information when we have a lawful reason or a legitimate interest for doing so. We will process your personal information to fulfil legal or contractual obligations for relying on different legal grounds for doing so, as further explained below:

To comply with our legal obligations or exercise legal rights that we have. This may include:

checks for eligibility to work in the UK as required by immigration laws, such as passport and visa documentation

  1. formal identification documents relating to you such as a passport or driving licence, to verify your identity (including your date of birth)
  2. driving licence documentation.

To pursue our legitimate interests as an organisation and business, this may include:

  1. your contact details such as your name, address, telephone number and personal email address which will be used to communicate with you in relation to the recruitment process
  2. Your CV, education history, employment records, professional qualifications and certifications in order for us to consider your suitability for the job that you are applying for
  3. Interview notes made by us during or following an interview with you in order to assess your suitability for the role that you have applied for
  4. Pay and benefit discussions with you to help determine whether a job offer may be made to you
  5. Voicemails, emails, correspondence and other communications created, stored or transmitted by you on or to our computer or communications equipment in order to progress your job application
  6. CCTV footage inside our Cardiff office area for security reasons.


Special categories of data are data relating to your:

  • health
  • sex life
  • sexual orientation
  • race
  • ethnic origin
  • political opinion
  • religion
  • trade union membership
  • genetic and biometric data.

Most commonly, we will process special categories of data when the following applies:

  • you have given explicit consent to the processing
  • we must process the data in order to carry out our legal obligations
  • we must process data for reasons of substantial public interest
  • you have already made the data public.

We do not need your consent if we use special categories of personal data in order to carry out our legal obligations. However, we may ask for your consent to allow us to process certain particularly sensitive data. If this occurs, you will be made fully aware of the reasons for the processing. As with all cases of seeking consent from you, you will have full control over your decision to give or withhold consent and there will be no consequences where consent is withheld. Consent, once given, may be withdrawn at any time. There will be no consequences where consent is withdrawn.


Your failure to provide us with data may mean that we are unable to fulfil our requirements in the recruitment process.


We will only collect criminal conviction data where it is appropriate given the nature of the services you are to provide to us and where the law permits us. This data will usually be collected during contract negotiation, however, may also be collected during recruitment or your engagement. We use criminal conviction data to determine your suitability, or your continued suitability for the engagement. We rely on the lawful basis of our legitimate interests to process this data.


Your personal data may be shared internally for the purposes of the recruitment exercise.

We may also share your personal information with other third parties including public and government bodies, in order to comply with the law, regulations or to fulfil with contractual obligations.

Please note that during the recruitment process we may obtain personal information from third party sources such as recruitment agencies, job boards and background check providers. Where we receive such information from these third parties, it will only process it in accordance with law and with this Notice.

We do not share your data with bodies outside of the European Economic Area.


We are aware of the requirement to ensure your data is protected against accidental loss or disclosure, destruction and abuse; we have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to guard against such.


Except as otherwise permitted or required by applicable law or regulation, we will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, as required to satisfy any legal, accounting, or reporting obligations, or as necessary to resolve disputes.

We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collected it.

If your application for employment is unsuccessful, we will hold your personal information on file for 6 (six) months after the conclusion of the relevant recruitment process. If you ask us to keep your personal information on file for longer, we will hold your personal information on file for a further 6 (six) months for consideration for future employment opportunities.At the end of that period, or once you withdraw your consent, your personal information is deleted from our databases.

If your application for employment is successful, all the information gathered during the recruitment process will be transferred to your personnel file and retained during your employment.You will be issued with a new privacy notice setting out how your personal data will be dealt with now that you will become one of our employees.


Automated decision making means making decision about you using no human involvement e.g. using computerised filtering equipment. No decision will be made about you solely on the basis of automated decision making (where a decision is taken about you using an electronic system without human involvement) which has a significant impact on you.


You have the following rights in relation to the personal data we hold on you:

  • the right to be informed about the data we hold on you and what we do with it
  • the right of access to the data we hold on you. More information on this can be found in our separate policy on Subject Access Requests
  • the right for any inaccuracies in the data we hold on you, however they come to light, to be corrected. This is also known as ‘rectification’
  • the right to have data deleted in certain circumstances. This is also known as ‘erasure’
  • the right to restrict the processing of the data
  • the right to transfer the data we hold on you to another party. This is also known as ‘portability’
  • the right to object to the inclusion of any information
  • the right to regulate any automated decision-making and profiling of personal data.

More information can be found on each of these rights in our separate policy on your rights in relation to your data.


Where you have provided consent to our use of your data, you also have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This means that we will stop processing your data.


If you think your data rights have been breached, you are able to raise a complaint with the Information Commissioner (ICO). You can contact the ICO at Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or by telephone on 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745.


Our appointed compliance officer in respect of our data protection activities is:

Dr Phil Griffiths LLM. Solicitor, Chief Executive Officer
Certified EU GDPR Practitioner
The DPO Ltd
Capital Tower, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff CF10 3AZ
(t) 02921 660 392
(m) 07866 425 593

This Privacy Notice was last updated on August 2024